Moving questions more easily (if randomisation not possible due to display logic) | XM Community
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I have simple but extensive display logic in my survey: every question has a 'don't know' option, and whenever that option is chosen, a supplementary question is presented.

I would now like to randomise questions within a block. It looks as though there is no way to do that without losing the display logic - is that correct?

Alternatively I can make four different versions of the survey with the questions in a different order for each version. But because it's a long survey with display logic and I want to avoid certain questions appearing next to one another, it's hard to see what's going on and very easy to lose my place. It would be easier to drag and drop the questions from within Survey Flow, but it looks as though that's not possible. Is there any way to get a simplified view of the questions from within which I can drag them around?

The only other idea I have is to renumber all the questions to create the order I want, then order by question number, if that's possible.
You could put the question pairs (question and associate don't know follow up) in their own blocks. Then use the survey flow randomizer to randomize the blocks. You would be able to drag the blocks into any order you want in the survey flow.
@TomG that's a brilliant idea - it didn't occur to me to treat individual questions (or pairs) as blocks, but that makes perfect sense, and lets me pursue both strategies (randomising whilst also make sure that certain questions are not next to one another. Thank you!

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