multiple answer choices with text box. | XM Community
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Is there a way to add multiple answer choices to a question with text box populating if any one of the options is chosen.
For e.g. I give 3 choices and the 4th choice is others and I want a descriptive answer if someone chooses others.
Thanks in advance.

Check this

rondev Thanks alot! That helped.
I have another question and hopefully you can help me with that too. How to create customized end of survey message based on the response on the question.
For e.g. If someone gives me rating between 1-6,6-8,9-10 I want a different end of survey message in all cases.
Can you tell me if that's possible? different custom end of survey message and use branch logic to put respective end of survey message under that branch.

Hello again rondev
Thank you for your answers. They have been working for me.
I'm new to using this tool and I have to create a survey urgently. I have a one more question if you don't mind answering.
Is there a way at all to add a back button after the question after which I have added a branch?

Thanks in advance!

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