Multiple Choice Question Not Always Multiple | XM Community
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I have a survey with a multiple choice question allowing multiple answers to be selected. Some users can select more than one answer but others can only select one. Any ideas why?
In multi select respondent can select as many as options it depends how you set, minimum is one and maximum is the maximum number of options in that question by can change this minimum and maximum values.
bansalpeeyush29 the question is set for multi select and some users can select one or all the options but other users cannot
To have answer always you have to select force response. If few users are passing by not answering this question select force response in properties so that everyone answer one or more.
They are answering the question but for some users it will only allow them to select one answer despite it being set to multiple answers
@Uol_CI, put meta info at the beginning of the survey. (

This may help you reveal compatibility issues by browser, device, etc. I know awhile back certain ranking question styles were working okay for PC users but it didn't work for Mac.
Check if you set any option as exclusive if that is the case it will happen.
bstrahin Thanks for the response unfortunately we are all using the same devices (PC) and on the same browser so not sure this is the issue.
Hey @UoL_CI! If you have not yet already, I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team so they can further troubleshoot this with you!

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