Multiple choice questions: Disallow picking answer & Set radio button layout for individual question | XM Community
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Hi all,

We are conducting a psychology experiment on the factors affecting people's decision, that means details of the style really matter here.

Previous, the old Qualtrics theme has met all our requirements when it comes to style so it wasn't a problem. Now that we the old themes are gone, we have to pause the experiment and find out how to get it works again. Now there are two problems we just couldn't work around:

1) Disallowing participants from picking an answer in MCQ

We have found MCQs a really handy way to present out pictures in a single row, but we don't want the participants to think they are 'expected' to make a choice, is there a way to just don't give them a choice to select at all?

2) Setting the radio button layout for the individual question

Some questions are formatted in a way that there has to be a REAL radio button next to it, so we are looking for a way to customise the style of the radio button. Or, if that's too tricky, at least an option to change how radio buttons are presented in the theme setting without bothering the so-call 'brand manager'.



To whoever from Qualtrics pushed this update,

If you are reading this, we appreciate the progress (as that is also what we are working on), and we would appreciate it more if special needs are considered when making the decisions. Many organisations just don't have a need for the brand image (or at least when it comes to surveying), if we want to blindly follow styles without any say in it, we might as well just use Google forms.

With love and everything,

Qualtrics User
Hey @qualtrics_user! Check out my response on this post! 🙂

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