Multiple choice within multiple choice question | XM Community
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I would like to create a multiple choice questions with some groups within. At first, respondent only see the grouping options. If a respondent selects a group option, the choices within that groups shall appear for them to select further. This is an example:

With the question text: In which areas could improvement be made to your experience:

- Grouping options: Location, Staff, Procedure, Other. Those choices will be shown all the time.

- The next level of options will be hidden and only shown if respondent select the grouping option. E.g, if respondent select Location, then, they can choose: Direction, Branding, Place.

I currently create some questions separately and add display logic. It works well but it doesn't look good in the survey because there are big space between questions, much bigger than the choices within question.

Can anyone help?

Thank you so much.

Have you tried with a Drill Down question?
@AxelS, Thank you but I want to the options multiple choice so Drill down do not work.

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