My font color won't change across my entire survey and I can't figure out why? | XM Community
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I used strip formatting to clear all of the changes I had previously made in each questions using Rich Content Editor. Then, in the Look and Feel editor I increased the font size and changed the font color from grey to black. Everything looks correct in the font editor preview, but when you close that, the font size increases and the color changes in the survey editor page but not in the actual survey (viewed in the survey preview). In the survey preview and published survey, the font is still grey across the board while the font size increased for the question text and multiple choice answers, but not for any of the text choices in the "matrix" questions. And I did use the font options specific to "question text" and "choice text".

I really just need to know why my font color will not change globally from grey to black in the actual survey when it seems to work find in the font preview/editor page.
Try overriding it with CSS. I find that sometimes the font items in the editor don't connect to what you expect them to. There is a really great how-to on Qualtrics themes here:

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