My rounding math operation using piped text isn't working - help! | XM Community
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I have 6 embedded data fields using piped text for which I want to round the decimal spaces to 2. The Qualtrics tech support showed me how to do the first one ("Liberty Average") - and it works every time. BUT- when I copied the new rounding info exactly for the other 5 (using their unique piped text values) they are not rounding to 2. What am I doing wrong? I have tried adding/deleting spaces, removing the "${ }" around the piped text, and even deleting my embedded data entirely and starting from scratch... all to no avail.

This one works (done by the Qualtrics tech guy):

Liberty Average = $e{ round( ${gr://SC_72u5bCTGY8QvEVv/WeightedMean} , 2 ) }

These don't work:

Care Average = $e{ round( ${gr://SC_dmVpBKgIceCiK0d/WeightedMean} , 2 ) }

Fairness Average = $e{ round( ${gr://SC_cBGz9DlkoBFiJMx/WeightedMean} , 2 ) }

Loyalty Average = $e{ round( ${gr://SC_eXyuEUtZmiquU29/WeightedMean} , 2 ) }

Authority Average = $e{ round( ${gr://SC_5oIHajnKnJRDZQh/WeightedMean} , 2 ) }

Sanctity Average = $e{ round( ${gr://SC_cGtggP4TWuhTfJr/WeightedMean} , 2 ) }

Any idea why? And what should I do to make all of them round to 2 decimal spaces?

Thanks for help.


I'm surprise the Liberty answer worked. It should be in this format:


$e{ round( gr://SC_81DTfjYaLEbODKR/WeightedMean , 2 ) }


Keep in mind that round doesn't fix the format to two decimals places (e.g., if the weighted mean is a whole number to start with, the rounded number won't have any decimal places).

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