Need help randomizing blocks based off of Embedded Data display logic | XM Community
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I want participants to see 5 out of 10 blocks, but each block (actually the questions in the block) is also set to only display if specific Embedded Data =1. Is there a way to set up the randomizer to ensure that each participant is randomly assigned 5 blocks, but only from the subset of ones they should be seeing based on their Embedded data?
If I'm understanding your requirement, it sounds like you should use branch logic instead of display logic in this situation. So in your survey flow:

Branch IF specific_Embedded_Data = 1...

Randomizer Element


Is that what you're after?
I was using a combination of branch logic and display logic. Sorry for the poor explanation. I have a list of services that were used by my participants. If they have used under 5 of the services, I would like them to evaluate all 5. If they have used over 5 I would like them to evaluate a random sample of 5 services from the ones they have used. So I tried setting up a branch and randomizer in the survey flow for those who have more than 5 services. The issue is that sometimes it would randomly select a service that they had not used, and since I setup display logic on those questions to only display for those who have used them, they would end up evaluating fewer than 5 services.

I think I just figured out a much more simpler workaround. I am just adding a new column to the contact list to differentiate those who use 5 or more services. Then in the first question I pipe in all of the services with default selections on all of them and a question randomizer to only display 5 of the choices. Then I just use display logic based on the selected items in that question.

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