Number of Finished Survey does not match with the number at result file (Finished = True/False) | XM Community
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I am not sure why on the Data Analysis --> Export Data, it shows, number of "Unfinished" (Finished = False, which is 5 this case) is higher (I did not receive the survey results), but according to other stat, it indicates more people finished the survey.
Finished.pngSo, it negatively impacts when I try to send Reminder email and collecting the data.
What am I missing here?
Is there any setting such as "send reminder email to only people who did not start the survey (or have not completed)"?
Or is there any limit as far as how many times reminder email goes to those who have opened, but not completed the survey?

Finished = False means that, they completed the survey partially and their survey session was closed based on the "Partial completion" time set in survey option. Check this.
Also, since their session was closed and response was recorded we cannot send the reminders to these respondents.

Thanks for help again!
So, if I want to collect during 1 month of period, and send out reminder email every week (4 times), I should change the setting to this?
PartialCompletion.pngAfter the setting is changed now, would it work for reminder email to go out for those 5 survey takers or is it too late for this particular survey? (that I have to send out survey individually once again?)

After the setting is changed now, would it work for reminder email to go out for those 5 survey takersor is it too late for this particular survey? - Yes, now we cannot send them the reminders as their responses are recorded now, and yes you need to send the survey individually again.
If you strictly want to collect the response or keep open the survey for one month and then close all the open survey session, then in the last drop down just select - 'start of survey'.

rondev or anybody,
What is difference between these two (last activity and start of survey)?
image.pngSo, for instance, we sent out a new survey on 7/1/2020.
If I choose, 'start of survey' and a respondent opens up or clicks the link on the survey link on 7/25/2020, he/she can do the survey until 8/25/2020?
Thanks in advance.

If I choose, 'start of survey' and a respondent opens up or clicks the link on the survey link on 7/25/2020, he/she can do the survey until 8/25/2020? - Yes

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