Numbering/labeling the matrix items | XM Community
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Hi everyone! In our survey, we divided one of our measures into two matrix questions (each matrix includes 5 items so the measure has 10 items in total) with a page break between matrices (we did that to reduce scrolling down again and again in an iPad page). However, we couldn't figure out how to number questions as we need, such as APA1, APA2, APA3, ...., APA10. What we can get is APA_1, APA_2... format for the first matrix, and APA_1.0, APA_2.0 ... for the second matrix. Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. Alp
From the question's cog, select Recode Values then check Question Export Tags and modify the tags as needed.
Thank you so much! This is helpful.
Hi again,

Thanks for helping me! I would like to ask another question. When there is an open ended/text entry option (or able to choose all that apply) in the response set of a 'multiple choice type' question, that text entry option is seen as another variable with a new name-tag in an exported data file (in SPSS/CSV). For example, the response set of gender question include female, male, other (with text entry). When we label the question as GEN, we get two variables: GEN & GEN_2_TEXT. Having more variables is OK but I would like the rename the tags (smt like GENM1 and GENTEXTM1) but I couldn't. It looks like 'question export tags' option is not available for multiple choice type questions.

I face with same issue if we use 'all that apply' for a question. All responses are seen as a separate variables in exported file that I couldn't rename their tags in Qualtrics as we need. I would be grateful if you would have any suggestions.
As you've found, you can't name the individual choice labels in a MC question. If you want them relabeld, you'll have to do it after your export.

You can submit a feature request to Qualtrics.

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