Offline App - is there a way to automatically download new surveys? | XM Community
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Hi community, our research team is deploying several hundred android tablets with the Offline App for use in a survey of students several times per year in multiple schools.

It would be fantastic if there's some type of documented (or undocumented!) way for us as survey and tablet administrators to not have to go into each tablet and (1) click "Refresh", then (2) "Download survey", then (3) "manage survey", then (4) "put into kiosk mode". It gets tedious (and human-error-prone) with the hundreds of tablets when we create new surveys for the students to take.

Have we missed something in the help pages that this is a feature? Or might there be a way to automate this with javascript? If not, could someone point me towards where I can request this functionality in a future app version?
@faststudy AS far as I can find and am aware this is not a current function of the app. However you can make a feature request here:

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