One of the surveys systematically not recording some responses | XM Community
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The "Master Survey" randomly (and evenly) redirects to either "Trial or Error 1" (which is the control) or "Trial or Error 2" (which is treatment). Yesterday I took the survey 18 times and it sent to treatment 9 times and control 9 times but only 4 of the 9 treatment responses showed up in the "Trial or Error 2" tab you see in the screenshot. Similarly this morning I took it 7 times and it sent to treatment 2 times so far but only one of the two treatment responses is showing up (even though the Master Survey recorded all 7 redirects including the two redirects to treatment). All of the surveys were completed so it's not because of incomplete or still in progress data collection.
Check to make sure you aren't screening out responses somewhere in "Trial or Error 2" survey flow.

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