Online Auction using Qualtrics | XM Community
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I've loved Qualtrics for its versatility. I use it for workflow, a Ride Share app, and Permits! We used it for student government elections. Now we are trying to see if we can use it to run an Online Auction. Anyone have experience with this? Anyone have ideas? Currently we're only auctioning one item, but I think it would be neat to figure out how to do multiple.
For the single item some things we'd like to do:

  1. Show the high bid when someone opens the form

  2. Give them a confirmation of their bid (easy with triggers/actions)_

  3. Give them a live feed to see the High Bid and who has it (using respondent created "username" and Public Report)

  4. Allow them to enter a new bid without having to establish a new (or the same) username - it should remember who they are

  5. Keep two respondents from choosing the same Username ("sorry that name is taken, try adding a number to it)

  6. Send out a reminder to everyone who has bid when we're getting close to the end

  7. Send a note when they are outbid

Any ideas?

Hello, mklubeck Did you ever get a response to your online auction question? I just got a request today for an online auction and need many of the same features you mentioned. DebbyLewis

DebbyLewis No responses here, but we did get it to work... Not with all the functionality we wanted though. See my notes to each function.

  1. Show the high bid when someone opens the form - INSTEAD we created a public report with the High Bid and put that on the website where they click the link to bid. That way they always see what the highest bid currently is.

  2. Give them a confirmation of their bid (easy with triggers/actions)_ - DONE with triggers

  3. Give them a live feed to see the High Bid and who has it (using respondent created "username" and Public Report) - DONE through the report which also can be shown in the survey...but we push them to the site so they can see if their bid is now the high bid or if they got bounced already.

  4. Allow them to enter a new bid without having to establish a new (or the same) username - it should remember who they are - THIS we didn't do. We could have using a Contact List Trigger though...I would have them enter a username and email and then authenticate. If both match, they're good to go. If not, we tell them the Username is already taken. If neither is there, we create a new Contact List record for them.

  5. Keep two respondents from choosing the same Username ("sorry that name is taken, try adding a number to it) - NO - But see 4 above for a solution.

  6. Send out a reminder to everyone who has bid when we're getting close to the end - CAN DO - with the Contact List trigger, can do a mailing pretty simply to all those who had bid.

  7. Send a note when they are outbid - DIDN'T DO - a little tricky because if we do it each time, you would only need to let the previous leader know.

mklubeck thanks so much for following up with your tips and tricks! Very helpful! I hope your auction went/is going well!

DebbyLewis you're very welcome. Let me know if you need any help (love working on this kind of stuff!)

This is great! Can I ask, how did you set up the question for the highest bid? Did you make it multiple choice in quota increments, or enter free text? Thank you!

so, we used an iframe to show the current bids.
The question for your bid is an open ended text box with validation for an amount.
We then sent an email (trigger) with their bid and a link to the site to see the highest bid so they can confirm that their bid became the highest.
Low effort - we didn't try to make sure it was higher than the highest bid.

mklubeck I am trying to create an online auction on Qualtrics. But, I do not know how. I see that you have successfully created one. Could you help me out with a step-by-step guide?

ALX I'd really love to, but I don't have the time to create a step-by-step guide. Sorry. Have you tried following the thread above to build one? Basically you need a form, with a question for each item you're auctioning. Under the image of the item, provide an opportunity for them to bid. I suggest providing a link to the report that shows the current high bid (hyperlink in the question). Happy to help you tweak your effort, but I don't have time to create a guide. Unless you're in absolutely no you want it as a Christmas present

mklubeck Referencing your 2020 and 2021 responses, which is still the most relevant response I've seen on auctions. I'm wondering how to have the report generate the highest bid, and only show that number (rather than all bids submitted). I only see filters on my numerical response to show greater than/equal than, etc. Or if anyone else has a suggestion, would appreciate it!

Got clarification from Qualtrics help - I added the question asking for a numerical bid to the report with the Data Setting -> Visualization -> Statistics Table. I could then check Max to solely display that data point.

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