Override Force Response in Block | XM Community
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I have a form that links to another form (basically a menu page leading to other surveys) and need to allow for the user to "go back" to the menu if they have chosen incorrectly. The problem I have is that the items on the first page of the subsequent forms are required fields. I'd like to have a button (I'm currently using multiple choice with only 1 answer choice) at the top of the page that, when selected, goes back to the menu (aka the 'first form'). However, because the other fields are forced, the redirect won't happen.

Attaching what happens when I click on the button that is set to redirect.!
Hi @KWigg ,

Instead of using Force Response on those questions, you might try removing the validation options from them and using custom validation attached to the Return to Vacations Menu button. The conditions would be something like:

IF Return to Vacations Menu is Not Selected AND Crewmember Number is Not Empty AND Custom Travel Status is in (Pre Travel, Mid-Travel, Post-Travel), etc.

OR IF Return to Vacations Menu is Selected AND Crewmember Number is Empty AND Custom Travel Status is not in (Pre Travel, Mid-Travel, Post-Travel), etc.
@MatthewM Thank you!! I did a variation of your suggestion, using survey flow to either return to the menu when the top button is selected, OR to basically refresh the page if all three of the other fields aren't complete, only moving to the next page when all three fields ARE complete.

If "Return to Vacations Menu" is selected, redirect to main menu on click

If ANY of the other three questions are NOT answered, upon clicking "Next" the page refreshes

If ALL of the three quesitons ARE answered, upon clicking "Next" advance to next block

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!!!
Oh nice, glad that helped you find a solution! Thanks for letting me know.

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