Page submit for timing is at 0 | XM Community
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Dear community members,

I had three different selection mechanism (a single article selection out of 12 in each mechanism). While the first mechanism counted seconds reliably, second and third mechanisms are quite unreliable as page submit for the most of the selected articles are seen as 0 second (some are at .001 or .002 seconds). I thought it was because they clicked so fast but it was impossible to click at zero second when I was trying to skip as fast as possible.

Did any of you encounter such occurrence? Can you tell me the reason why or if I can solve this issue?

Note: I am using a SONA system (external website that brings my participant to Qualtrics and then takes them back to SONA when the survey ends) if it helps. It was an online study so I do not know the environment of participants. However, I ran the same study in lab before and had no problem.


Hi @ezgiulusoy ,

It would be quite difficult to pinpoint the problem without looking into your survey.

Perhaps you could ensure that you do not have 'auto-advance' set to a specific amount or some JS code that would trigger on page load?

Is each timer on an individual page with each article? I.e. each article must be on a separate page and each timer must be above each article (you should have as many timers as articles).

Have you added any functionality that could potentially trigger this behaviour?

Quite difficult to troubleshoot over the forum!

The qualtrics help blog link on timing might be useful here -

Hope that helps.

@npetrov937 Thank you for your answer. I do not have auto-advance and I did put each timer with an article separated each article (along with their specific timer) with page breakers. The weird thing is I basically copy pasted the whole mechanism and it works greatly in the first selection but not in the second and third.

I will contact help line to have a troubleshooting.



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