Pair Participants | XM Community

Pair Participants

  • 9 January 2019
  • 7 replies

I am looking to do a study that would pair participants. Participants would receive an invite to the survey and would be paired with a roommate, spouse, sibling, etc. We want to compare the data received from the two participants, but also need to protect their privacy so it would need to be assigned a unique identifier to anonymize their responses. Can this be done in Qualtrics, especially if the paired individuals don't sign-up at the same time?

Best answer by Kate 10 January 2019, 16:10

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7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +33
using trigger email you can acheive this. Once respondent complete trigger an email to person they want to pair.(ask original respondent an email of friend...)
Userlevel 7
Badge +19
I think perhaps we could use some clarification. At what stage are you having an issue pairing them? Do you need help in allowing the first respondent to invite the second respondent? OR are they all going to be invited, then you need a way to pair them for analysis?
I am working with a researcher on this and they have not been clear on how they will be identified. I was vague in my question to determine what the options are.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19
So, Qualtrics won't allow you to generate the unique identifiers for pairs. You're going to have to come up with that yourself.

So every person is going to need a PairID that you will generate and assign to your participants. When you give the link to the pairs, you will need to give them the anonymous link, but _append_ that PairID to the anynomous link using the URL query...

So you can either give that URL to both people in the pair. OR you can have participant 1 elect an individual to take the survey as their pair. Ask participant 1 for the email of the individual you want. Then use the email trigger option to send the paired individual a survey:
Thank you very much. I will make sure this gets shared with the researcher. have the issue that you are describing. My survey link is sent out anonymously and everyone takes part but I need to pair the participants and identify them as a couple after the completion for analysis. How would you solve this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +19 Easiest is the same solution as the accepted answer above. Identify them ahead of time and give them the correct survey link. Otherwise you're only other option is to have them identify their partner in the survey and link them manually during analysis.

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