Passing Information into Survey URL via Responsys or similar | XM Community
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Passing Information into Survey URL via Responsys or similar

  • 17 June 2019
  • 5 replies

Hello, I'm still fairly new to using Qualtrics and could not find my specific question/answer in the support documents - so hoping the community can help. Basically what I'm trying to do is embed a survey single URL in an e-mail already going to customers, and I want to make sure I collect some metadata that is associated with the e-mail already. I understand that I can create multiple URL's and preset the data to embed, but since the e-mail goes out to so many - I'd rather have a dynamic embedding process.


* Field = Member; Value = (Yes, No, Maybe)

* Field = Proximity; Value = ( variable distances)

URL Example:<value pulled in from e-mail file>_&Proximity=_<value pulled in from e-mail file>_

Is this possible and if so, can someone share the right syntax to pull in the current value for each survey respondent in our file?

Hopefully this makes sense, but if not, let me know and I'll try to clarify.

Hello aurness ,

Check this resources for passing the data through URL.

To make it dynamic you can piped text the contact list embedded data in the url value.
You can certainly do this through the URL as Shashi mentioned, but it'll be significant work if they differ at all from respondent to respondent, as you'll have to append each URL manually at that point.

What I'd suggest instead is to store this information in your contact list and then pull it in from your panel (which you do just by declaring the embedded data variable at the beginning of the survey flow).

If you're sending from a different mail service than Qualtrics, check out how to create personal links here.

You'll also want to check out using embedded data with a contact list here.
Thanks for the responses, it's starting to sound like what I'm trying to accomplish is not possible. Manually creating a URL for every variation would be impossible, since one data point may be a unique identifier - so we would need to create a link for each person instead of one link that dynamically pulls that data in.

I agree that adding it to our contact list would make sense, and a lot easier, the problem I think is that we are not using Qualtrics or even controlling the distribution. If this was a panel study, I'm sure it would be a slam dunk (or other sports metaphor).

What I was thinking is that we send a file to Responsys that may have 25 values for each unique record. My survey is just an e-mail embedded within an existing e-mail being sent out. I was hoping to use the URL appending structure to dynamically pull in the specific value from the original file sent to Responsys.

For example, if I had a data file that looks like this:

UID State Member Distance

654 Washington Y 200

264 Utah N 22

6546 California 55

16546 N 11

984651 Mexico Y


And my URL looked like this -

It would dynamically pull in each value, for example the URL for the customer with UID=264 would be:

Am I just crazy and full of wishful thinking or is it possible?

Thanks again for the help, this community is great.
Import your data file into a spreadsheet (if it isn't already), and create a formula to concatenate the fields to your url. For example, in Excel it would be:



@aurness When you say you're not using Qualtrics, do you mean for the survey? Or for sending out the email?

If I understand you correctly, you're wanting to send a file to Responsys and have it push all the information from your file into the URL so Qualtrics can record it. I can't tell how you how Responsys works so I'm not sure if that's possible. If you can get Responsys to spit out whatever you have in the table into the URL, then Qualtrics can record it, yes.

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