Personal Links | XM Community
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Hi all, Just a quick question on generating personal links in Qualtrics. When I generate a personal link an Excel sheet is downloaded with the link. Then I can generate an additional personal link in the same name. Why this is happening? Ideally, there should be only one link generated for a potential contact address in the contact list, right? Please help me understand this feature.

Thank you.
I actually find this feature helpful. I've accidentally sent out surveys with an expiration date in the past and when my respondents click on the link, they get an expiration message. Even if I change the date that link that they clicked remembers the old date. So I generate new personal links for them and those point to the changes I've made in the survey after they had clicked on their first link. Qualtrics Support has informed me that individual links have a memory of the survey at the time it was clicked, any edits post click aren't recognized. So that is one case where the Personal Link changing is helpful.

The good thing is that you can always go back to distributions and see the personal links you generated under the Personal Links section. To get their first Personal Link you made, you don't have to save it externally since it lives in the system. You can just redownload the file. It also keeps updated information on if they start and/or finish the survey from these links.
I also like this feature - I use the personal link generation feature to test the survey as if I were several different members of a contact list. It is most important for me if there is display logic based on different list members' metadata - I want to make sure that the survey behaves appropriately for different members of the list. I also like to test the "anonymize response" feature to double check that the contact list names and emails don't populate in the data after the response is recorded.

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