Pick, Group, & Rank Data Output Question: How to rework the report (to ignore Rank output)? | XM Community
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Dear Qualtrics Community,
I am almost done running a survey using the Pick, Group, & Rank method to gather data. I'm a linguistics major at UW-Madison, and I would like to use the data from this survey method to view how participants grouped 10 Speakers together into four Dialect Group boxes (see the preview image below).
Participant Resp.png
To that aim, my goal is to view how often participants grouped, say, Speaker 1 and Speaker 10 together into the same box versus Speaker 1 and Speaker 7, so on and so forth. However, what the Report outputs looks at rank (what Speakers people dragged in first to a box over others) and overall grouping (how often a Speaker was placed into a particular box [this does not help because different participants could have grouped the same two speakers together, but into any of the four different boxes]).
Is it possible to get the output that I'm looking for from all participants in the Report so I can run the graphs/etc.? If so, how? I have tried messing around with the columns and rows, but I keep running into the problem described above.
If not, I know that I can go to individual participant reports and manually count how they grouped each speaker (as shown below), but that is much more time consuming.
Participant Resp2.png

Hi ArchLx! It looks like you were able to get in contact with our Support team about this, and the functionality you are looking for does not currently exist within the platform. If you have not yet already, we'd recommend posting this as a Product Idea so it may be considered as a future product enhancement!

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