Pipe answers into a carefully styled rich-text email trigger? | XM Community
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I'm building a signup survey for an undergraduate program, and I want to email the responses to my survey every time it's filled out. But I also want them to _look nice_.

Right now when I set up the trigger I get an email that lists the questions and answers one after another with no styling. It's quite difficult to read, and we want to use this signup form to create a document that can be sent to external stakeholders for approvals & digital signatures.

Is there a way to pipe the answers from a survey into the (rich text) body of the email trigger?
In Email trigger, please un-check the option "include response report".

Point number 11 of this documentation


Then use the piped text to insert the responses from the survey into the body of the email trigger...

An example would be creating a table with 2 columns... the first column will have the question text and the second column will have the response piped-in.

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