pipe text in question based on respondents unique survey link | XM Community
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I created unique survey links for each product. I want to pipe the product name into survey questions based on the survey link used to take the survey. I tried to put product names and links in an embedded fields but the piping didn't work. Any idea?

Hi @noka

When you say "I created unique survey links for each product." do you mean by query string , unique individual link or something else .

If you have used Query string to pass data in embedded data then you can pipe those embedded data

If you have created individual link from the contact list , you can acess the field in contact list
Hi NiC,

I have unique individual links which I assigned to each of the products. I've put the link field and the product name in a contact list. Now I want to get the product name piped into the question based on the link used by the respondent. I don't know how to use query string, is this a good method for me to pass product names to questions?

Hi @noka

You can find information on query strings here


it is a good way to pass data into the survey via link

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