Piping an answer from a dropdown to end of survey message. | XM Community
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I have a dropdown asking recipient to select a date and city for a clinic.

When you select one, there is display logic that previews a decriptive text question that shows the date, time, location, address, phone etc of the clinic.

I want to pipe the selected answer of the dropdown that shows the display logic or descriptive text question.

So the end of message reads " You are going to the clinic at: [shows the descriptive text field that was selected via the dropdown]

Seems like the piped text can only pipe the selected choices from the dropdown and not the result of the selected choice.

So you are making a separate descriptive question (Q13) that is part hard coded (Confirm your location choice:) and part dynamic by piping in the selected answer to a previous question (Monday October 7 at 5 p.m.) and you want the text of Q13 to show up in your end of survey message?

Easy, just pipe in the question text for Q13 instead of trying rebuild the logic.
THanks but what I want to do is pipe in the result of the dropdown which is several descriptive text question - the user could choose any of them from the drop down - how can pipe the "result" of the drop down?
I suppose I misunderstand. What do you mean by "result" of the drop down? And how can a result be several descriptive text questions?

Can you please share the .qsf file?
a. The user selects 1 of 4 clinics to attend from the drop down.

b. There are 4 descriptive text questions under it that show dates times and locatons for each clinic. These are set on display logic based on the selection from the drop down.

c. Then the user completes the survey and Confirms their RSVP.

d. Then the end message states a confrmation of the date time and locaton from "b".

does that make sense?

i cant pipe in any descriptive text questions (as it will always be hardcoded to the same locations) and I can't pipe the selection from the drop down because it doesnt contain all the content.

I guess I am looking for some advanced functionality of piping in the resultant descriptive text question from the dropdown based on what the user selected from the dropdown.
Ok, gotcha. This is easy.

In your survey flow create 4 branching logic elements with the logic "[if Clinic (1/2/3/4) is selected]. Under each, add 1 embedded data element called "Clinic Info". Hard Code Clinic Info to the HTML formatting of the respective descriptive text question. Then pipe the embedded data element to your end of survey message.

USEFUL NOTE - When you hard code the HTML of the descriptive text as embedded data and pipe it to your end of survey message, the HTML will render as HTML.

Make sense?
Im gonna give this a try thanks so much Akdashboard - I will chime back hopefully with success.
Here is a simple example to help guide you:



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