Piping responses into questions in a second survey (part) | XM Community
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I want to run a two-part study on MTurk, in which participants "apply" in the first part and get a feedback (randomized: accepted vs. rejected) in the second part but still using their input. For example, in the "application outcome" a participant will read that he has been accepted because he ticked male in the first part, another one will be rejected because she ticked female in the first part.

Right now, I plan to send invitations for the second part with emails, for which participants provide their address in their first part. I want the break between the two parts to be 3 days.

My question: I know how to use piped text to use the "male"/"female" option to be in a descriptive text later in the same questionnaire. But how can make pull this into a second questionnaire, such that participant X reads that she was rejected in the second part because she said she is a woman in the first part?

Thanks for any ideas!

You can use contact list trigger in such case

Hi! Thanks for your response!

But this way would require that I have participants give their email address, right? To my knowledge, this is not allowed in Mturk.

Apart from that, I tried this strategy and I get the email for the second questionnaire, but the places with the piped text remain blank. I assume that the two survey are still not linked?

Thanks for helping!! 🙂
Are you redirecting from one survey to the second? You can send the information along the Query String:


But know that there are limits to how long the URL can be.
Thanks for helping Kate!! Yes, I'm redirecting from one survey to another one. Right now, there are still only blank spaces where the piped text is supposed to be (see screenshot attached). I might try the query strings, I assume you mean the section under "Passing Information from a Survey"?
I adapted the end of URL redirection such that it includes my piped variables gender, ethnicity, state, and political ideology: https://tilburgss.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_80yQoeo7wmvnoXz?Gender=${q://QID3/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}&Ethnicity=${q://QID13/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}&State=${q://QID15/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}&Political_Ideology1=${q://QID70/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}

However, the spaces remain still blank, any idea what I did wrong? And I assume that this URL redirection would mean that I cannot have a three-day break between the two parts anyway?

Change the answers to embedded data in Survey 1. EG: GENDER = Male

Pass the Embedded data rather than the question selections. That should make them way easier to pipe into Survey 2 (and shorter for a neater URL).
Sorry and to your second question: The redirect will happen immediately after first survey. To allow for the 3 day wait, you will need to collect some personal information and use the Contact Trigger method @bansalpeeyush29 has already mentioned :neutral:
Thank you, I figured that out!

The resulting problem is now that Qualtrics support says that I can either have a direct continuation of the study using the redirect function OR a three-day break between the two surveys when asking for participants' email address. The second option probably doesn't work because Mturk doesn't allow to ask for email addresses. Any idea how I could have the break while keeping participants anonymous (e.g., using emails as embedded fields?) .

Not even the support did know, so no worries if you haven't a clue either 🙂
I would be inclined to agree with support. I don't see a way to allow for the delay you are requesting AND not collect PII.
okay, thank you though. Might try it with TurkPrime.. 🙂

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