printing out results from a form | XM Community
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I figured out how to sent the Qualtrics form to myself. Can you let me know how to have it so it sends and prints out looking the same as the form link -

I would also like to know how to put text on the bottom of my form so the students cannot see it but when I print the forms out, I can see the text.

Thank you. I am new to Qualtrics, am using for university forms for students to fill out. We don't have training and I find this site to be very advanced for the everyday user. I hope I can get some clear answers.

Thank you.
Welcome @Tricia !

Before answering your questions, just to be on the safe side with your survey access, I would suggest sharing a screen shot of your survey (or at most, the preview link) rather than the live survey link.

> @Tricia said:

> I figured out how to sent the Qualtrics form to myself. Can you let me know how to have it so it sends and prints out looking the same as the form link -

I'm not sure if you want the survey sent to, and printed by, the respondent or yourself, but you might find what you're looking for in the Actions tab:

Survey response events:

Email tasks:

> @Tricia said:


> I would also like to know how to put text on the bottom of my form so the students cannot see it but when I print the forms out, I can see the text.


I'm not sure there's an out of the box way to do this, but I'm not sure I fully understand it, either. Would this be a static message of some sort? Can you give an example of the message content or the purpose behind it?

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