Proceeding without actually selecting response with filled-in text box | XM Community
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Is it possible to allow the respondent to proceed when an _unselected_ 'Allow Text Entry' category contains text?

This is a question that uses Carry Forward Choices with several categories that allow text entry. It uses Default Choices to bring forward the text entered when the respondent selected these categories in an earlier question. (But the categories are not selected by default.)


We want the respondent to _see_ any text entries, but only select the relevant ones. (And to not have to manually clear the text box to proceed.)


Hi Thomas, I think you want to change your carry forward setting to the option that has "- Entered Text" at the end. This will make the third option be the text they typed into the box from the previous question without setting it up as an other with a specify box that throws an error.
Thanks, have gone with this. Should have seen that in the manual...

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