Provide Survey Responses back to Client as Collected | XM Community

Provide Survey Responses back to Client as Collected

  • 11 February 2021
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Hi, I am working on a survey that will be distributed using an anonymous link. The survey will require respondent's feedback on multiple questions should they provide a negative response to the initial question. 
If there are multiple feedback responses the client would like them returned as a group. Is there a way for the system to collect each response and send them in a single email?  They would also want me to identify the survey that the responses(s) came from with a system-generated number unique to that survey. 
The following information is included in each template/email.
1      Date complaint received – extracted from the survey
2      Respondent ID – number generated by survey different for each survey taken
3      Respondent Country – client response taken from the survey
4      Product and indication, as applicable
5      Survey Complaint Code – (provided by Client)
6      The question that received a negative response
7      The response (ie. Slightly Effective)
8      The comment respondent provided. 
I have used created feedback form in the past so have some experience but would appreciate all responses. Thank you

3 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Hi Cassiopeia,
My client wants to see only the negative responses. I believe using your suggestion they would see all the responses, both negative and positive.
In speaking with the Qualtrics support team they advised me that I had to set up a separate task and email for each question.
Thank you again for your response.

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Thanks, Cassiopeia,
Appreciate getting your response. My approach to this requirement was to use Actions where you create the triggers and then the email. I will try your suggestion. Let you know the results.

Badge +2

Hi Chaz,
Have you tried setting up email triggers? In the survey editor, you'll find it in the Tools menu. You can use piped text to fill in the information you need.
As an example, here's an excerpt of an email trigger I built recently. It gets sent to a colleague of mine whenever there's particularly negative feedback about a site visitor; my colleague is the one who manages the visitors.

Hi, [colleague]!

Someone just submitted a site visit survey and gave at least one low rating for their site visitors. Specifically, they either rated the visiting team as below 6 on a 1-to-10 scale of team effectiveness, and/or gave at least one "poor" or at least three "acceptable" ratings to one or more site visitors. (The response scale is poor, acceptable, good, and excellent.)

The full survey response is below, but here are the highlights.

Survey respondent:

  • ${e://Field/Name} -- ${e://Field/Role}

  • ${e://Field/SiteName} (${e://Field/Programme}), ${e://Field/Country}

  • Visit end date: ${e://Field/VisitEndDate}

  • Account executive: ${e://Field/AcctExec}

Overall effectiveness of the visiting team (1-to-10 scale):  ${q://QID30/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}

${e://Field/Visitor1}, ${e://Field/Visitor1role}
The stakeholder gave a rating of "poor" for the following statement(s).

The stakeholder gave a rating of "acceptable" for the following statement(s).

The stakeholder gave a rating of "good" for the following statement(s).

The stakeholder gave a rating of "excellent" for the following statement(s).

${e://Field/Visitor2}, ${e://Field/Visitor2role}
The stakeholder gave a rating of "poor" for the following statement(s).

The stakeholder gave a rating of "acceptable" for the following statement(s).

The stakeholder gave a rating of "good" for the following statement(s).

The stakeholder gave a rating of "excellent" for the following statement(s).

Note: if there was not a third school visitor, the below section will appear blank.

${e://Field/Visitor3}, ${e://Field/Visitor3role}
The stakeholder gave a rating of "poor" for the following statement(s).

The stakeholder gave a rating of "acceptable" for the following statement(s).

The stakeholder gave a rating of "good" for the following statement(s).

The stakeholder gave a rating of "excellent" for the following statement

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