Publishing multiple surveys - anonymous and individual links - also urls | XM Community
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I am about to release a set of surveys for the first time and it looks as though it would be best to publish the surveys. However I want the first survey to have an anonymous link. When the participant responds I then create a contact list and send out a link via email to the follow on survey using the distributions tab and the contact list (i.e. the participant gets a one time only, individual link for the second survey). All of this works when I am in test mode but it is not clear to me if it will work if I publish the surveys and I can't check that out without publishing! Can anyone tell me if this will still be okay?

Also I would prefer to shorten my anonymous link to something meaningful - any recommendations for the best shortening service?


Hello @Uma,

For shorten the anonymous link - please follow this post
Regarding the use case, if you publish the surveys, still the working will remain the same.

For best practices, you can check this survey options in the second survey( eg: By invitation only ).
As to your first question- yes. That method will work just fine.

Publishing is just a sort of fail-safe to make sure you don't push anything "live" unless you are really sure you want it. It is not as permanent as you think- you are still able to test the survey, or edit it if needed. It's very flexible still.

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