Qualtrics security | XM Community
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I need to know what security measures are in place on Qualtrics for purposes of submitting an IRB application. We are using Qualtrics as our survey distribution platform that will be accessible to our research participants. This is my first time using Qualtrics as a survey administrator and I cannot find information on the answers to these questions and I'm hoping that the community can help me. These are the questions:

1. Does the software provide a record that captures that a respondent has consented to the survey before survey initiation? [The software being Qualtrics.]

2. Are there controls in place to prevent a respondent from accidentally entering survey data via the http protocol instead of the https protocol (i.e., does the server display an error message or automatically re-route the respondent to an https page)?

3. Does the survey tool use https encryption?

4. Is the respondent’s IP address masked for the researcher?

Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated!!

It follows GDPR policies.

For consent add one question at begi with agree disagree options

To prevent you can add authenticatirs.

Yes use encryption

Yesip addrrss is masked
@jessbking ,

Please read following pages

1. TLS Encryption

2. Qualtrics & GDPR Compliance

3. Qualtrics Transport Layer Security (TLS) Upgrades Upgrades")

4. Building a Consent Form

5. Survey Protection

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