Question at a random position within a range | XM Community
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I have two groups of questions. Group 1 contains 28 questions and group 2 has 2 questions.

I would like the first question in group 2 to appear among the first 5 questions of the survey (at a random position 1-5). Also, I want the second question from group 2 to appear somewhere between position 6 to the end of the survey. The order for the remaining 28 questions should be random.

I tried to use 2 randomizer: the first one containing 5 questions (first question from group 2 and 4 questions from group 1), and second one containing the remaining questions. But this method has 2 drawbacks: the first 5 questions are always the same for all the participants. (2) the previous button does not appear when transitioning between the two randomizers question.

Any solutions?

Hi @mojganaz! If you have not yet already, I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team! They may be able to work with you to setup your Survey Flow, Randomizer, or even some Advanced Randomization.

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