Question code while piping | XM Community
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Is there a way to figure out the code of every question without the questions code: ${q://QID122/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}? Currently I am piping in questions in order to view this code but as I add more questions the question code changes as well. Piping every time is very inefficent as I have 40 questions.
It is not clear what you need the question ID for. Do you want a list of question IDs?
You can do an export from the data tab and it will show you all the IDs in the third row
@HanH I am basically creating an array that contains the selected choices from each question, for e.g. var x = [${q://QID122/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}, ....]. I need to keep track of the ids otherwise I capture wrong answers.

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