Question on Survey Branching! | XM Community
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I am using Survey Branching to repeat two blocks. Will the questions in the repeated blocks export responses for the two repeated versions of each question or just the second response?
Essentially asking two sets of questions twice and hoping that I can get duplicate data, and not override the first responses.

Thank you!!

If you're using the same block twice in your Survey flow, then it will overwrite the old response and record only the second response.
If you need both recorded, simply Copy the block you want answered twice. You can name the blocks or questions for clarity, "Block 1 v.1" and "Block 1 v.2" or whatever. This way the user sees the exact same thing twice, but it will be recorded twice.

Copying or duplicating block from survey flow will not create new columns of same question in data.
You can need to copy the block using block options and then use survey flow to place the two blocks(Original and copied) at the respective position.

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