Question Positioning Shifts Slightly (left or right) With Each Page Change | XM Community
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I've noticed that as I click through the preview of the survey, the questions/answer sets shift ever so slightly left or right. It makes the survey seem less professional.

Has anyone else experiences this or knows how to stop it so that everything stays in the same horizontal/centered position with each page change?

Are you using any custom CSS? If yes something in your code is playing with the standard layout and you should take a closer look.

If not- this should not be happening. You may have accidentally put some extra spaces or breaks in your questions and answers that could be causing the issue. Try going through each question and "removing formatting" to allow all questions to fall back on the default Look and Feel layouts:

Hi Kate, thanks for the insight.

Yes, part of the jiggle does seem to come from extra tags/formatting in the html. We copied some text from Word and pasted it into the Normal text entry box. Pasting directly from Word adds and unbelievable amount of junk html code.

We've found the best way is to go directly into the Rich Content Editor to do any kind of editing (e.g. underline, bold, add extra line spacing. Doing it in Rich Content Editor creates the cleanest html code it seems. For example, if you hit enter for a new line in the Normal text entry box for the question area, it adds more DIV tags. If you hit enter in RIch Content Editor, it uses minimal BR tags.

The other cause we found was from scripts in the header/footer. For example, we had a script that moved the Langauge Selector Box. So each time the page loaded, it jiggled things left-right. We've now had help updating that code and there is no more jiggle!

SUMMARY - to remove jiggle with page changes

1. Check/test the scripts in the header/footer. Save your scripts somewhere. Remove them from the header and footer. Preview and check for left-right jiggle. If jiggle gone, then it's one or more scripts causing it. If jiggle still there, it may be a formatting issue.

2. For new text, copy and paste only as plain text and edit only in Rich Content Editor for cleanest html.

3. For existing text, REMOVE FORMATTING as indicated by Kate's comment and screen shot. Then do any further editing in Rich Content Editor.

NOTE - The Reps Don't Always Have the Answers

When I called Support to ask about possible fixes, the rep just said it was likely from having different types of question types in the survey and that there was nothing that could be done - no mention of removing formatting or possible relation to scripts! So if a rep tells you a certain problem can't be fixed... keep digging.

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