Question separators not appearing | XM Community
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I would like to add question separator lines. I follow the instructions here, check the "Question Separator" box, and nothing changes in my survey.
Make sure you refresh a couple of times after making the change. Sometimes there is a bit of a lag before things update.

If they still aren't visible, use your browser's inspect feature to check the style of the separators. If they are displayed (not display:none), then it may be that they are the same color as the background (e.g. white on white). You can add custom CSS to change the separator background color.
Also, if you are using "Display Logic" with "In-page" option then the separator won't show up.

This is the intended behavior.
Hello @nate99 ,

Also, if you are not using "Display Logic" with "In-page" option and still there is no visibility of separator then, paste the following code in the Add custom Css option

.Skin .Separator {

height: 1px;

In case, you want separator in "Display logic" with "In-page" option then paste following code to the question where you are applying display logic in js(onReady) option

jQuery( "<div class='Separator'></div>" ).insertBefore( ".hidden" );
Update: I contacted Qualtrics phone support, and we could not make question separators work. The agent thought it looked like a bug during transition to updated "Look and Feel" panel.

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