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How to add an embedded data field that tracks the number of questions that have been displayed to the respondent in a certain randomizer?
Hello @Maxim ,

Once the randomization block is over, add branch logic as if question is displayed increment the counter, and do this for all questions present in the randomizer.
Hi Shashi,

Thanks for your answer, but unfortunately I didn't get it.

If I add branch logic "when the randomization block is over", then it will start counting the questions only after all questions have been displayed. How will that help me?

I need to keep track of the number of the displayed question because I want to present a certain item (an asterisk) only for each third question.


Hello @Maxim ,

Dear Qubie,

Thanks a lot for your answer! It sounds like a good path for the solution, but unfortunately, in my case, every question is actually a block of a few questions. So, basically I have the following structure:

Randomizer (block1, block 2... to block 18).

I want to display an asterisk (I can add it as an item that would be displayed conditionally) on one of the questions within a block only when the block's order is 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18.


> @Maxim said:

> Dear Qubie,


> Thanks a lot for your answer! It sounds like a good path for the solution, but unfortunately, in my case, every question is actually a block of a few questions. So, basically I have the following structure:


> Randomizer (block1, block 2... to block 18).


> I want to display an asterisk (I can add it as an item that would be displayed conditionally) on one of the questions within a block only when the block's order is 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18.


> Thanks!


> Maxim

you want to show asterisk on one question which is also present in the block, but how is it possible because we will get the order of the block (3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18) once the randomization is done.

Also if we check the order of the block (3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18) in between the randomizer, then the probabilty for that condition to be true will be very less.

Am I right or I have missed something?
Dear Qubie,

I think I found out how to make it work.

Thanks a lot!

the order of the blocks will be known once all the block is answered... and you will have to place an embedded data (through JavaScript) at first question of every block and assign a value based on the block should concatenate the embedded data value with the previous one... and once all the block is answered you will have to check if the order is matching and accordingly show the asterisk to specific question

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