Randomize blocks | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

For my thesis I have to do an online experiment with 4 conditions. I cannot figure out how to randomize different blocks with the same image..

What I want to accomplish: the same image (randomized of 4) in different blocks.

In addition, of the 4 conditions, 2 are dependent on nationality (Dutch and French). Is it possible to show a different condition depending on the answer respondents give on their nationality?

I hope this is clear.. I would really appreciate your help.
Save the randomly chosen image url to an embedded variable, then pipe it into your four blocks inside an image tag:


<img src='${e://Field/my_random_image_url}' alt='my image'>


You can use display logic or survey flow branching based on the nationality question to show different conditions.
Thank you very much! Can you mabe explain a little more about 'save the randomly chosen image url to an embedded variable'?
> @Quinty15 said:

> Thank you very much! Can you mabe explain a little more about 'save the randomly chosen image url to an embedded variable'?

I still cannot figure out..


_<img src= '${e://Field/https://tilburghumanities.eu.qualtrics.com/CP/Graphic.php?IM=IM _byzHPYTNTgtB0YR}' alt='low'>_


_<img src='${e://Field/D_low_presence} 'alt='low'>_

but thanks for the help anyway!

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