Randomize multiple subsets of questions together | XM Community
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So i have 6 pairs of questions of which i want to randomly ask 1 question in each pair so that there are 6 questions asked overall that fulfils every possible combination of 6 without asking both questions in a pair. How do i either randomise to pick 6 random questions across the 6 pair subsets without both in a pair? or randomise and have some sort of exclusion criteria where if one question in the pair is being asked the other cant be?
Hello @FaizaAli ,

Put each pair in a single block and apply question randomization from "block options" and set "Present only 1 of total questions"
Not entirely sure if i have the probability down so excuse me if not , but would that still lead to an equal amount of all 6 question combinations overall?
> @FaizaAli said:

> Not entirely sure if i have the probability down so excuse me if not , but would that still lead to an equal amount of all 6 question combinations overall?

You can select "Advanced Randomization" -> Random subset -> Randomly insert '1' questions from the list below: -> check "Evenly Present Elements"
Thank you! On top of this, i am trying to make the first question in each pair to be a part of a subset A and the second question to be a part of a subset B and i want 3 questions from subset A and 3 questions from subset B, continuing the idea where i dont want both questions in the any of the same pairs. Is this possible to have, all still randomised?

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