Randomizing across question groups - want to make sure all statements evaluated | XM Community
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I am setting up a survey where we will be evaluating statements on two likert scales - satisfaction and importance.

There are 80 statements that will be divided by 7 steps, i.e., the statements to be evaluated will be presented in one of 7 steps.

I can randomize the # of statements evaluated in each group.

HOW CAN I BE SURE THAT ALL OF THE STATEMENTS WILL BE EVALUATED IN THE RESPONSES? in other words, I want to be sure that all of my 80 statements will be evaluated by someone taking the survey. Is there any way of ensuring that? The size of the survey is 2000 for an desired response of 200. What determines the odds that all the statements will be evaluated by someone?

We are expecting to set up the 7 sections in blocks. Is that a good approach?

I'm very new at this, so please dumb down your answers. 😃
Yes add these questions within one block and randomizer the questions within block and along with statements.
Also make sure to make your all 7 questions force response to get all 80 statements evaluated.
Hi @strategy ,

As far as I understand you might have to customarily randomize(Advanced randomization) the choices that are based as per your likert scale.

You can find the way of doing this here.


Also you might use "Assign to group" to each option & then randomize the Group(instead of individual choices) if you wish to randomize choices in a group.


Group A has a1 a2 a3

Group B had b1 b2 b3




So you could Randomize A, B, C, D ....

Related link - Search for "Assign to group"

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