Randomizing blocks between a set block | XM Community
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I am trying to figure out how to randomize questionnaires so that they are randomly presented before and after a manipulation. For example, my study has 10 questionnaires and a presentation of two videos (each with manipulation check questions before and after and also randomly presented one after the other). I would like to set up the qualtrics flow so that a random 5 questionnaires are presented before the videos and the remaining 5 are presented after.

I have read through the help page on the randomizer function, but I am having trouble figuring out how this would look for my specific survey flow.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!
You should have video in its own block...

Then in survey flow, have 5 blocks (questionnaires) within the randomizer then have video block and then again have randomizer with 5 blocks (questionnaires) within it.

It will be very helpful if you provide us the survey flow screenshot.
Hello @Hunter ,

Assuming you want randomization on all 10 question.

You can have 11 blocks- 1 for each question(10 blocks) and 1 for video.

In the randomizer add all the 10 blocks and set randomly present as "5". As soon as a question is displayed set an embedded data for that question as "1". Duplicate the randomizer and add a branch logic before every block as embedded data for that question is not equal to "1".

See the attached QSF for reference.

Preview Link
I have a similar question, and that is really helpful!

One more question: is it possible to customize the question right after the video (e.g., letting the question reflect the content of the video)?

Thank you!

> @Shashi said:

> Hello @Hunter ,


> Assuming you want randomization on all 10 question.


> You can have 11 blocks- 1 for each question(10 blocks) and 1 for video.

> In the randomizer add all the 10 blocks and set randomly present as "5". As soon as a question is displayed set an embedded data for that question as "1". Duplicate the randomizer and add a branch logic before every block as embedded data for that question is not equal to "1".

> See the attached QSF for reference.

> Preview Link




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