Randomizing results of randomizing | XM Community
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Hi, I wish to randomize several questions and ultimately choose 1 of 2 randomized display options containing the randomized results for the survey. This is the structure.

Randomize 1 (choose 2 of 4, evenly)


Q2<---picked 2nd

Q3<---picked 1st

Randomize 2 (choose 3 of 4, evenly)

Q4<----picked 2nd


Q6<----picked 1st

Q7<----picked 3rd

Randomize 3 (choose 5 of 5, evenly (based off previous choices)

Q3<----picked 3rd

Q2<----picked 5th

Q6<----picked 1st

Q4<----picked 2nd

Q7<----picked 4th

Randomize (choose 1 of 2, evenly)



Display Q8 Page Option to user

Page Options

(Q8 descriptive text format)<---was picked

Title 1



Title 2




(Q9 descriptive text format)<---wasn't picked, but other display option





Hi @hellomike if I'm understanding you correctly, it is simple to do _most_ of this. You would:

1. Create your survey with four blocks.

a. In block 1, set up a randomizer for Q1-Q3

b. In block 2, set up a randomizer for Q4-Q7

c. In block 3, duplicate Q1-Q7 and set up a randomizer; in each individual question, add display logic to display only if the previous duplicate question was displayed

d. In block 4, set up a randomizer for Q8-Q9

2. Create two different reports with the two reporting formats you want. Make them publicly accessible and retrieve the links.

3. Set up two different end of survey options in your survey flow. Override the survey options and set each one to redirect to one of your public reports. Use branching to determine which end of survey the respondent should see based on Q8/Q9.

The only thing I can't figure out is how to show only the questions that the respondent saw in the report. I'm not sure there's a way to do that.

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