Randomly select one choice from a set of choices | XM Community
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Hello! I have the following problem: From a set of multiples choices, I need to randomly assign just one of those choices to each respondent, and then use this choice all over the survey.

For example: John could use "Brand A", "Brand B", "Brand C" and "Brand D". This list is presented in Q1. He actually uses "Brand A" and "Brand C", and he selects these two choices. From this set of choices, I need to randomly assign one to be used for responding the following questions in the survey.

I have tried using Piped Text, Carry Forward Choices and Display Logic. But, I imagine there is a more direct way to randomly use one item from a set of possible elements, being this set of possible elements constructed from the actual choices of the respondent.

Thanks in advance for your help
Hi @cbuzeta

You can either try Quota (least filled):


or if you are familiar with JavaScript then you can follow the steps which mentioned here:

Thanks! I just followed the JavaScript solution steps and voilà!

I used this JS code to hide and "next" the question.

Thanks for the help!

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