Re-direct user to a native web page and NOT show 'Thank you page' | XM Community
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HI There!
I have a use case where I want to ask a question using qualtrics on the native app, but upon clicking 'Next' they should be re-directed to the url or page i want them to land on. Or simply i want to replace the 'Thank you for taking this survey' page with a landing page upon clicking with 'Next' button.
Any guidance will be appreciated.

Either under Survey Options or in your Survey Flow End of Survey Block, select "Redirect to" and enter the url you want to send them to.

Thanks Tom. We are trying to use a success flag (when one completes the form) and take that to re-direct them to a new experience.
For capturing success, we need unique url or parameter that comes when someone completes the survey. Is it possible to append a parameter to qualtrics survey completion page url?
PS- The thank you page still comes for 2-3 seconds before the re-direct. Can we totally bypass that?

You can pipe into the redirect field. So, you can pipe a unique url or parameter value into the redirect.

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