Recodes/Numbering not "sticking" | XM Community
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Do you ever have issues with row numbering (whether initial or recoding) not "sticking"/being reflected properly in your dataset?

Have you found a solve for it?
I see this quite a seems the numbering/recode values are rarely stable. So much that I normally go back and check the recode values for each question after I've programmed a survey. If I copy a question, I've found that the response recode values don't start with '1' on the copied question. I've often thought it would be great if the actual recode value showed on the main programming screen for each response option when a question is created.
@RachelTHREE - I found that if I already have data in the question, the recode won't apply to it or it has a hard time "sticking" when you click out of the recode screen. For copied questions, if you click on the " Keep Question export tags" it usually pulls over the recode.
@RachelTHREE This has happened to me as well. Also noticed sometimes when choosing recoded choices for display logic, the display logic window shows different recoded values, in a different order than I set up, even after refreshing. When this happens to me I save and refresh the page. Anyone else notice this?
@RachelTHREE and anyone else who has seen this - we're sorry to hear that you are running into this issue with recode values. It definitely does not sound like this is intended functionality.

If you are still experiencing this, could you get a video of it and send it to our support team at so that they can take a closer look and escalate it as necessary?
I've gotten burned by the recode values changing so I always review them before going live. A good feature would be either a "lock" on the coded values i.e. the numbers are locked by position regardless of content changes due to editing. Or, some sort of reset button which would automatically renumber the recode values starting with 1 [similar to the question renumbering tool].
> @TylerK said:

> @RachelTHREE and anyone else who has seen this - we're sorry to hear that you are running into this issue with recode values. It definitely does not sound like this is intended functionality.


> If you are still experiencing this, could you get a video of it and send it to our support team at so that they can take a closer look and escalate it as necessary?

Let me talk to our team here and see if our most recent projects are still experiencing it. Thanks!
Hi Rachel,

I have also experienced this issue with recoding values. I found that if it would not "stick" then I can refresh my account and it will sometimes correct the problem. It does not seem to be a consistent problem, but I can relate to your frustrations.

I also have had this issue. Usually just refreshing the page corrects the issue.
Thanks, all!

After talking more internally, looks like we aren't seeing this issue as much anymore!
I am having this problem, sporadically

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