Recover order of randomly-presented questions within a block?? | XM Community
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Hi there!
I have a survey where participants listen to a block of 50 sentences, and after each one, they write down what they heard the speaker say. We're interested in whether participants' accuracy understanding these sentences improves over the block (from sentence 1-50). Within the block, I am using "Question Randomization" to randomize the order in which the 50 sentences are presented to participants.
Here's the problem: when I export the data, it is all in the original, unrandomized order. It seems like I have no way of knowing the order in which each participant listened to the sentences, meaning I can't look at the effect of sentence number (1-50) on accuracy. Is there any way at all to recover the order of the questions (sentences) for each participant? Not even a cumbersome work-around, like a log of the precise times that participants completed each question? Data collection is already done, so a survey coding solution wouldn't work.
I know that when you randomize block orders, you can export it checking the "Export viewing order data for randomized surveys" box, but this doesn't seem to help for within-block question randomization. I haven't been able to find any other solutions.
Any insight is very much appreciated!

As you mentioned, the order of randomly presented questions within a block can be tracked by selecting “Export viewing order data for randomized surveys” when Exporting the data. This will add a field to your Export called “BlockName_DO” that lists the order of questions that was presented within any randomized blocks. This support page has more information on Randomization Data! If this is not working as intended, please be sure to reach out to our wonderful Support team, as they are best equipped to help!

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