Redirecting people from a multiple choice question | XM Community
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I have a question to which I offer multiple choices.

What ever they answer to that question I then need to redirect them to another block.

* Display logic does not work because it asks me to pick one of the choices people might make

* Skip logic sends you to either the end of block or end of survey

* Branch logic does not work.

Any ideas?

Many thanks

Do you have a .qsf we could take a look at? Or could you spell out the question/answer choices/logic you want to follow?
if I interpret your requirement correctly, you want to direct to a different block, if any answer to that question has been picked - and continue in the normal flow, if no answer has been picked?

One option that would work with SurveyFlow is a multi-line condition with or. So, if your question XYZ has 3 options A, B and C, than the condition would be:

question XYZ answer A is selected

or question XYZ answer B is selected

or question XYZ answer C is selected

It's a bit tedious, but should work.

Different option with s slight design change would be to add a "Don't know / don't want to answer" option to your question (you could set it to "exclude from analysis", if needed) and then you use that answer to direct the flow. It has the added advantage that you could make the question mandatory, so participants don't accidentally skip it and end up in a block they shouldn't. But I'm aware that might not fit into your bigger plan, so first option would be it.

Hope I didn't misunderstand the context and purpose.
Can you elaborate as to why branch or display logic don't work? You can do some pretty complicated, yet simply formatted, display logic once you can define exactly how you want the outcome.
Dear All

Thank you very much for your input. I really appreciate it.

* The premise:

I have a multiple choice question.

* The issue:

If I try to apply branch logic to redirect people who have answered this question to another block, it does not seem to be possible. What I mean is that it is only possible if I create a branch logic for each of the answers.

If I had 'yes' or 'no' sort of question, the condition would just be 'if yes' or 'if no' is selected but, with a multiple choice question, it's a whole other story.....

Maybe it's a case of I don't understand how branch logic works. Fair enough. Still, I have read and re-read the tutorials for the different types of logic and this seemed to be the most suitable. I don't use Qualtrics often enough either (about once a year) ... so it's like having to relearn the tool every time.

Hi @AnneLaure_19 ,

> What I mean is that it is only possible if I create a branch logic for each of the answers.

> If I had 'yes' or 'no' sort of question, the condition would just be 'if yes' or 'if no' is selected but,

> with a multiple choice question, it's a whole other story.....

What I was suggesting in my answer was that you don't need a branch for each answer, because you can combine all answers in one branch condition. Would look like this (make sure you use "or", not "and"):


Unless I misunderstand your context, this should do the trick.

best wishes


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