Relabeling in Public Quota Dashboard | XM Community
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Is there a way to relabel quotas in the public quota dashboard?

With the newer format, it's pulling from the question/row text or image location when used to build, and is a bit difficult to decipher when trying to quickly check in on quotas.
Can you open up your quota management portal and give me an example of what you are having trouble with? Quota labels are entirely based on the name you give them in your quota management sheet.

On a separate note, I like having all the quotas on one page in the new public dashboard, but the old format made managing them much easier than it is now. Have you been happy with the new format?
@AnthonyR Sure! Here's an example of one for gender:


I like the direction that the new public dashboard is moving in - including the graph is a good start to visually representing the data. That being said, I'd love to see it become even more visually driven... making the visuals work harder for you, less text, etc.
> @RachelTHREE said:

> @AnthonyR Sure! Here's an example of one for gender:


> !


> I like the direction that the new public dashboard is moving in - including the graph is a good start to visually representing the data. That being said, I'd love to see it become even more visually driven... making the visuals work harder for you, less text, etc.

That's interesting, I haven't seen that dashboard for quotas yet. Are you building those in the normal Tools>Quotas menu?

Here is how ours look in their most recent format.

Yup - building them there. I think, in reviewing it further, it's the difference between a simple logic and cross logic quota.

My simple logic quotas have the speedometer-type visualizations, but my cross logic quotas end up looking like my screenshot above.
Ahhh that makes a ton more sense. Doesn't look like the cross-logic can be changed very easily. Unfortunate really 😞
@AnthonyR That's my thinking too 😕 We give our sample partners access to it for monitoring as well, so my goal is always to keep it as simple and straightforward as possible.
> @RachelTHREE said:

> @AnthonyR That's my thinking too 😕 We give our sample partners access to it for monitoring as well, so my goal is always to keep it as simple and straightforward as possible.

Perhaps it's time we all got together to mass send feature requests 😉

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