Repeat exactly the same survey | XM Community
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A couple of months ago I did a survey with random questions and random flows and got my answers without problem. Now I need each participant to answer again but exactly the same survey they did before, with the same questions, blocks, flows and be presented in the same order.

Try to make a link to return to but this changes the order, questions and blocks. What can I do?

Thank you
I don't think it will be possible sby simple link. As randomizer order will get changed.

If you have know which blocks they have seen you can ammend llindividual links by appending variables so that they can see what they saw in previous survey.
Thank you for your response @bansalpeeyush29, but it's not workable, I have more than 300 responses and practically each one is unique in order, blocks and flow 😞
Hm- this will take a bit of work if you didn't set up the Embedded Data ahead of time, but I can think of a work-around that might work.

In theory- you should have set up the embedded data to record the order that the blocks appeared in. In First Position is Block A, Second Position is Block D, etc....

Then append that info to the participant- looks like you might have do to that after the fact, now. Then set the Survey Logic to say If First Position is Block A > Show Block A. If First Position is Block B > Show Block B.

Unless you set it up to record all that on the first survey- this could be a long and hard process. Especially if you have many respondents.
Thank you for your response @Kate, is a good information for future work.

Sadly for which I currently have is not an option, I mistakenly assumed that the link to retake would follow the same order and randomization and I did not capture those data in the initial survey.
@uedbtjekb I think you're out of luck then 😞 Sorry for the bad news!

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