Replicate the formatting of the two end options that the NPS question has on a multiple choice quest | XM Community
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Hi everybody.

I want to make a nice looking question on a horizontal 0-10-scale + a don't know category. At both ends of the scale I need to have some descriptive text. Unfortunately this doesn't look nice, because the text can't be spread out. Can anyone help me what to do?

Below my question is as a NPS-question (which looks nice, but does not include the 'don't know' category) and in the bottom picture a multiple choice question. The text is in danish, but the category to the far right in the multiple choice question is the "don't know" category.

Give the br tag in your scale text to break it so that text for don't know get aligned. Going to html editor


It is possible to get exactly what you want, but it would require a fairly involved JavaScript.

Maybe the closest you can come to it without JavaScript is a one row slider with not applicable formatted like this:

Thanks Tom, I cant find this kind of slider though, do you write some code, or?
> @kira said:

> Thanks Tom, I cant find this kind of slider though, do you write some code, or?

No code. Just a Slider question. Maybe your license doesn't include it or you don't have the permission.

Yes, I just cant make it look like yours. But I think this may be okay:


Thanks again!
> @kira said:

> Yes, I just cant make it look like yours. But I think this may be okay:

> !

> Thanks again!


Just preview the question, you will get almost same format
I found out, it looks like yours when I preview the question! Thanks!

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