Report creation/grouping based on embedded data instead of filter | XM Community
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We use Qualtrics for course evaluations, which are created with all students and courses in a single list containing embedded course data which sends one survey per student per course. At the back end, however, I have been unable to find a way to programmatically generate separate reports for each course and have only been able to do this by setting filters one course at a time and exporting the reports. Is there a way to set a header or grouping level that would compile all scores for each course on separate pages and apply the appropriate header data for each page/section? (I.e., all responses for MATH100, ENGL100, and PSYCH100 are in the same response set, and the report generates separates pages reporting each course individually, with embedded data as header information.)
Thank you!

Hi jphennen, you may be able to achieve this effect with report breakouts! For an example, please checkout this post linked here!
If you are interested in creating automated, entirely separate reports for these courses, please consider posting this functionality as a Product Idea on Community 🙂

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