Report issue - help! | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I built a report in the reports tab. Two things have happened and continue to happen and I am using incognito, clearing cache, refreshing, restarting...

1. All visualizations appear on the reports tab, I download to PDF, the PDF does not include all of the visualizations. When I go back into the report on the reports tab, those visualizations have now become an extremely small box that I need to find and expand.

2. All visualizations appear on the report in the report tab. A few days later I reopen the report and all of the visualizations are grayed and the data is missing. Not fun after spending time building a complex report.

Anyone experiencing this? Any troubleshooting? My colleague is also contacting support since she is set to deliver a report and the data is missing from it!
Hi Natasha! Yes, I have experienced this same issue. I re-created one report more times than I care to admit. It's extremely frustrating and I couldn't figure out what was going on. Let me know if you have an answer - eventually mine just 'stuck'.
My colleague has a Qualtrics Engineer looking into her issue. I hope there is some answer. One of the reasons was the filtering etc. But we told them it wasn't the case since it is just showing data from one question as a bar graph no breakouts, no filtering, nothing. Once I hear I will be sure to send the solution along.

I agree - very frustrating.

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