Reports: additional column does not change piped text into embedded data | XM Community
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I added additional columns in a report, containing the answers of a question. The possible answers (multiple choice question) include piped text (embedded data set from url or panel), but when I add the columns, as well as when exported, the report still includes the piped text instead of the embedded data.

To illustrate:

From a url I know someone's destination for a ticket, for example Brussels central train station.

That is embedded into survey flow as DDesrination value set from url or panel.

Then I have a question:

What has impacted your travel experience the most

With an answer option being the infrastructure at ${e://Field/DDestination}

Then in the reporting in an additional column it appears as ${e://Field/DDestination} instead of Brussels central train station.

Is there a way to solve this so it includes the embedded data instead of the piped text?

Thank you in advance!
instead of original question can you trying adding this embed variable as column.
Doesn't "DDestination" column includes this information?
DDestination column should include this information, after adding this embed variable what values you are getting for records.

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